Totally FREE Websites!
This site and my new sister site, Possibilities By Parthena, were created with Webnode.. I don't know what the story is behind Webnode. I've written and asked if they have banners since there's only that tiny link at the bottom of each page. They don't advertise and I'm not even sure how I found out about them, but I'm glad I did. I'm experienced with Dreamweaver and Yahoo Site Builder and found them both not as user friendly as I would have liked them to be. Webnode is extremely easy to use and has some very cool features, such as the ability of create an rss widget from your outside blogs or other subscriptions. You can embed these into social networking sites, blogs and other websites. I love, love, love them! There's the ability to add as many pages as you want and add them as subpages of parent pages when you run out of room on the menu bar. The Statistics are comprehensive and show referrers, graphs, keyword searches, all the important stuff. The only drawbacks are the lmited number of templates - but if you know how, you can upload your own template and you can also alter the look of your site with css style sheets. There has been very little downtime, only twice since I started using it in April. The first time was actually a cookie problem. I had to go in and add Webnode as an accepted site and then it was fine. This is an entire website, not like the free pages that are offered - and I tried one of those and it was awful! I don't believe that there's any limit to the number of sites you can have. If you need a website, give Webnode a try.